ARISE ranks #1 in the Bay Area (#27 in California) for A-G completion among schools with 80% or more students who qualify for free & reduced lunch.

A-G College Entrance Requirements are a sequence of courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) & California State University (CSU) system.

Students fulfill course requirements through coursework at ARISE High School or through approved coursework at one of the community colleges in the Peralta District. Students have the opportunity to earn credits that fulfill the University of California/California State University (UC/CSU) system A-G requirements. The chart to the right contains graduation requirements for both ARISE and the UC/CSU system. By virtue of completing required coursework, all graduates fulfill and exceed the UC/CSU system A-G requirements, based on the following chart, which highly prepares them for college & career and sets them apart from other high school applicants. Additionally, ARISE High School collaborates with other local high schools to ensure transferability both of our courses to other schools and other schools to ours.

Need Transcripts?

Email Susana for all transcript and attendance record requests!

Academic Counselors

Do you need one-on-one academic support or have questions about your classes, grades, or graduation requirements or progress?

Reach out to our amazing ARISE counselors for support to help you get to graduation!


Shree Rangaraj

9th Grade Counselor


Jeanette Hernandez

10th Grade Counselor

ARISE Website (9).png

Brittany Albert

11th Grade Counselor


Katherine Bermudez

Dean of Counseling Department & 12th Grade College Counselor