Testing and Assessment


Assessments Through the NWEA

Students are tested three times per year in math and English Language Arts (ELA) via the NWEA assessment. The NWEA data is used to inform which classes are best for students as well as provide vital information for teachers on student knowledge and growth in their courses.

Assessment Through the SBAC

All juniors are tested in both ELA and Math via the SBAC assessment once per year. This assessment from the state of California is used to determine student’s college readiness status.

Assessments Through Rigorous Summative Assessments (RSAs)

All ARISE courses have Rigor Summative Assessments in the course, these are summative projects and/or project-based tasks that have students use their course knowledge and apply in some real-world context.

Assessment Through Exams and Quizzes

Each course at ARISE has students take bi-weekly quizzes to assess student learning. These quizzes are backwards planned from the course Final Exam, the course Final Exams are a summative assessment that gauge’s student learning of each course they take.


Click on the links below to start the competition, do your best!

SBAC Overview and Review #1 - March 27

SBAC Overview and Review #2 - April 10

SBAC Overview and Review #3 - April 17