We are proud to announce that as of 2022, ARISE ranks #1 in the Bay Area (#27 in California) for A-G completion among schools with 80% or more students who qualify for free & reduced lunch.

From its inception, ARISE High School has set high expectations for our students while providing a highly supportive environment to allow our students to not only fulfill but exceed these expectations and achieve success.

Introductory orientations for both students and staff are a critical part of every school year, and include information about all aspects of the school program, with a special emphasis on the sequence of courses and activities leading to graduation and college matriculation.  Our UC-approved courses are translated into easy to understand transcripts that align with A-G requirements. Transcripts follow each individual student’s personalized graduation plan.  These plans are updated regularly and, along with student portfolios and performance-based assessment presentations, provide the substance of quarterly exhibitions of student work and student-led parent conferences.

Each grade level has an academic counselor who works directly with students to plan their academic and professional future and keep them on track for graduation. Every student also has an advisor who knows them and their family well, checks in with them regularly, and tracks their progress on a weekly basis.

ARISE ranks #1 in the Bay Area (#27 in California) for A-G completion among schools with 80% or more students who qualify for free & reduced lunch.

A-G College Entrance Requirements are a sequence of courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) & California State University (CSU) system.

Students fulfill course requirements through coursework at ARISE High School or through approved coursework at one of the community colleges in the Peralta District. Students have the opportunity to earn credits that fulfill the University of California/California State University (UC/CSU) system A-G requirements. The chart to the right contains graduation requirements for both ARISE and the UC/CSU system. By virtue of completing required coursework, all graduates fulfill and exceed the UC/CSU system A-G requirements, based on the following chart, which highly prepares them for college & career and sets them apart from other high school applicants. Additionally, ARISE High School collaborates with other local high schools to ensure transferability both of our courses to other schools and other schools to ours.



Reach out to our amazing ARISE counselors below!


Shree Rangaraj

9th Grade Counselor


Jeannette Hernandez

10th Grade Counselor

ARISE Website (9).png

Brittany Albert

11th Grade Counselor


Katherine Bermudez

Dean of Counseling Department & 12th Grade College Counselor





Quick Links:


Quick Links:

  • Explore career paths and learn what steps you need to take to get there on Gladeo

  • Check our these free resume building tools on Canva



Click through the resources below to be redirected

Office Hours

Stop by the Counseling Office in Room 108 Thursdays after school from 3:30-4:30

Schedule Change

Submit a Schedule Change Request

Work Permit

Complete the Work Permit Request Form


Login to your Parchment Account


Grade-Level Family Meetings

Each month ARISE hosts at least 1 family meeting focusing on a different grade level. Grade-Level Family Meetings are mandatory for students and at least 1 parent or guardian. Attendance is important to make sure ARISE families are on the-same-page about their academic progress and important deadlines.


SLCs are one-on-one meetings between student’s, their advisor, and at least one parent/guardian. Students are responsible for leading the meeting and presenting a personal reflection on their academic progress so far that semester. These meetings take place once per semester.

Defense presentations

SLCs are one-on-one meetings between student’s, their advisor, and at least one parent/guardian. Students are responsible for leading the meeting and presenting a personal reflection on their academic progress so far that semester. These meetings take place once per semester.

  • Who: Mandatory for all students taking a Dual Enrollment class in the Fall 2024 semester.

    When: Thursday, August 22nd 5:30-7:00 p.m.

    Where: Suite 200 Courtyard

  • Who: Mandatory for all 11th grade students and at least one parent/guardian.

    When: Thursday, September 12th, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

    Where: Suite 200 Courtyard

  • Who: Mandatory for all 12th grade students and at least one parent/guardian.

    When: Thursday, September 19th, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

    Where: Suite 200 Courtyard